Monday, July 23, 2012

Tomorrow Is The Day

Tomorrow is the day and am I nervous, yep. Am I partially scared, yep. Do I have to get up at 0 dark 30 to get there by 6:00am, yep. All of my fears and self-doubt is bubbling to the surface. I am the type of person that makes lists and makes plans and above all likes to be a few steps ahead. All I can think about are the what ifs and to make matters worse, it was just a few days ago that I wasn't even sure I would even get to this point. OMG, I can't believe tomorrow is the retrieval day. 


  1. Yay! Take a deep breath and you will do great. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Come on mature follies!

  2. Fantastic :)) Know what you mean about being a planner and wanting to be a step ahead... you've done everything you possibly can and you'll be fine once you're there :) Like Toni says... Take a deep breath... And trust yourself :)) xoxo

  3. I was soo nervous about my retrieval too a few weeks ago, but it was a breeze! And yes, the taking a deep breath comment is perfect. That was exactly what the nurse told me to do to help me relax, and it worked. Slow breathing and thinking calm thoughts definitely helped me. Fingers crossed you get a nice bunch of mature eggs tomorrow!!

  4. Hello from ICLW!

    Good luck with retrieval!

  5. Hello from ICLW!! Good luck with retrieval today! :-)
