Thursday, July 26, 2012

Updates and Thanks

Thank you ladies for commenting yesterday in regards to my shot debacle. Hubby did better this morning. I iced the intended injection spot first and then let him inject me.

So here are the updates:

First things first.....8 eggs out of 9 were fertilized

I still feel sick but I went to urgent care last night and the doc there talked to the RE and both agree my stomach pains aren't related to the retrieval. Have anyone seen the movie Space Balls. If not it's a really funny parody of Star Wars and if you have my stomach feel like the end of the movie where the two main characters are in a diner at the counter ordering lunch and another guy at the counter starts to have stomach pains. They are so bad that he ends up laying on the counter. Then his stomach tears open (you never see the gory stuff) and this alien lizard comes out in top hat and tails and starts to sing and dance across the counter out the doors. I feel like that lizard is about to come out. If you haven't seen the movie at least youtube that clip. It's funny in a "I'm glad my stomach doesn't feel like that" sort of way.

Transfer is scheduled for tomorrow at 12:30. I am excited but really need this to work. I'm not sure if I'm tough enough to do a round of injections, retrieval and progesterone shots again. All you ladies that have done more than one round my heart goes out to you and I wish you a very speedy success. This $hit is hard and it takes some serious determination to get through this process. I really don't know if I'll have it in me again. 


  1. Stay strong you can do anything you put your mind to. I hope you dont have to do any of this again but if so, you will be able to.

    After your transfer try to relax and dont over do it. If you can take a day off work and have a nice long weekend to recoup. Thinking about you tomorrow and wishing for the best!

    1. The RE recommends 24 hours of strict bed rest lying flat on my back so after transfer that is where I'll be. No if, ands, or buts. lol

  2. I hear you. This is my first IVF cycle and I'm waiting for my RE to call and let me know how many eggs survived yesterday's ICSI process. I've read blogs in the past about women who have said they wouldn't be able to handle another IVF cycle. I always thought they were crazy. Now I totally get it. Although I know in my heart that if this cycle doesn't work out for me, I'll be back in the stirrups again for another round. ; )

    Also, my RE recommends strict bed rest for 48 hours after the transfer. I might extend that voluntarily for another 12 hours or so if my boss lets me work from home.

    Good luck!

    1. Hoping all goes well with the ICSI today. Will check our your blog for updates.
