Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Concoction Review

So, my house is still standing and no one is bleeding. All in all, I call that a successful day. The image above is what I started out with this morning. I had to decrease the Lupron to 5 units and then had to mix the Menopur with the Gonal-F. There were 5 vials in total (1 liquid and 4 powder) and it was scary. I wasn't sure I had the correct syringe to begin with as the RE didn't tell me about that. She just explained the needles. I did use the Q-Cap instead of the actual red needle that was suggested. I'll see if I can continue to use the Q-Cap. Once I had it all mixed together, I was able to poke myself. This needle stung a bit and it was quite a different feeling to push 2ccs of liquid than the 5 units of Lupron. So it was successful and hopefully tonight when I go to the RE's office and demonstrate what I did, it would have all been correct. So day 1 part 1 down and 9 days and a total of 19 shots to go.


  1. Yay glad you were able to get all of it figured out. Some of these medications need about 5 sets of directions on them and how to videos.

  2. Well done... that's lots of injections !! Cheering you on from afar... grow follies grow :)) xoxo
