Monday, August 6, 2012

Morning Update and Blanket Update

Today I am 10dp3dt and I took my beta test this morning. I actually don't think I should have. I think I  had implantation bleeding yesterday and now am worried (cause I worry about everything) that it's too soon to test. But I forged on and let the vampires take the juice anyway. This process has been the most stressful thing I've had to deal with and that is counting the 16 page paper due the weekend of my birthday two weeks ago. (which i got a 57 out of 60 on it).

I had a massage scheduled for that weekend but had to cancel due to the bed rest so it was rescheduled for this past Saturday and while I was driving there they called to reschedule and now it's today. So help me if I don't get this massage I just may have to scream.

I am also finished the blanket. I wanna say I'm about halfway done. Since my post yesterday I knocked out another full ball of yarn. Since these are small I am gonna use 4 for the body of the blanket and half of one for a border. I am really proud that I have been finding little projects to ease my mind. This is what I looked like before I went to bed last night.


  1. Good luck on your test today. I really love the blanket. Being new to all things crafty, what is that device you are using on the blanket?

    1. It's a loom. I got it in a kit at walmart. There were 4 sizes and this one is the largest. this is my first project with it. I also got the round kit and gonna do hats too.

    2. I might have to try that out. I have been crocheting my butt off on my daughters blanket and its only 1/4 finished, if that.

  2. Good luck with your beta results! Praying hard for you for a positive!

    What a beautiful blanket! I wish I knew how to crochet; I might have to learn so I can make a baby blanket too. : )

    1. It's the loom. it's like cheating. all you do is wrap the string around the pegs and loop over the bottom string. once you get in a groove it's pretty quick. and it looks all professional like. lol
